Saturday, March 9, 2024

Yassss 12

 Think I just figured out why art lives on past the producer of it - because everything in society is preordained by money (who has more of it). Art is the only thing that we make for the heck of it - the only thing not related to the cycle of money - otherwise there is just an endless money circle that happens day in and day out where the lower class people serve the upper class people in some fashion - everything in society is determined by class and money other than the creation of art (which can be made simply for a lark or to represent a larger meaning as a metaphor) - other than that art, the only thing there is in society is one person doing labor for some amount of money (probably too low) indefinitely, five days a week, eight hours a day, and the person who does the least amount of work gets the most, etc. - such is life haha

Art is the only thing we make as humans that lives outside of that cyclical nature of money. The most human thing that people make (art) is the only thing that outlives money (which doesn’t matter much when you are gone - in your obituary - “and he was pretty good with his money - a bit thrifty!” Haha no, no one cares about that when you are gone - that stuff only matters when you are here haha - so yes, art outlives humans, always 

Basically money installs a “Groundhog Day Effect” on the minds of humans and the only thing that snaps us out of the loop is amazing art ๐Ÿ–ผ️ ๐Ÿคท‍♀️ 

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