Saturday, March 9, 2024

☕️Morning Cup of Chris 10

 Just did my daily ๐Ÿ€NBA post - yassssss. I am grateful for today as I type this - sometimes I think I am just tired - trying to practice turning my brain off - like I have a burlap sack that says “Thoughts” on the front and I just picture that and say I am not going to think anything because they will all be located in that sack - that is my strategy lately haha along with repeating a mantra - also just remembering that I smoked weed which can make you overthink obviously haha - so as long as you remember that then you can conquer it - thinking generally is not productive, I think doing, acting and reacting leads to happiness but not thinking - you aren’t like Einstein, you don’t get paid to think, I literally don’t have to think at all at my job, everything is just a repeated action or I am reacting to a situation- I think thought was something that humans were given an extra dose of haha like we don’t have to be so pensive and sensitive at least for me haha, Pensive and Sensitive sounds like the worst morning radio show duo ever tho haha - also my blog as been Mary Poppin lately - it literally gets like 10x the attention that my podcast does - so I am going to be doing short podcast episodes from now on, like under 10 minutes - I should put more energy and resources towards this blog since it is giving me the largest return right now - also my Facebook is poppin’ so check that out and yasssssssssssss smile and go listen to some Adam Sandler on Spotify or watch one of his movies - what a great American man. 

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