Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ask Arne

 Welcome to my new advice column, where I field questions from readers around the country 

Hi Arne,

Long time, first time - let’s cut straight to the chase.

I wanna make a movie - let’s call it “Thrift”

It’s gonna reunite Seth Rogen and Michael Cera - big time Superbad reunion - the people are gonna love it. It will be set in a small Midwest town - let’s say Wet Falls, Kansas. Couple brothers - long lost but now hanging out - they go to a local thrift shop in search of a fun outfit for a themed murder mystery 80s party - think Top Gun meets Friday the 13th.

They end up purchasing this cool backpack - super retro - like Jansport on steroids and acid. After getting home and searching through the numerous pockets more thoroughly, they find a small sack containing $50 grand in 100 dollar bills - cold Benjamins - and a lot of ‘em.

They get hunted down by a pack of wicked gangsters over a series of hilarious events in the next couple weeks - think Tower Heist meets I Love You, Man with a whiff of Pineapple Express.

Here’s where you come in - you lived and worked in Hollywood for almost 4 years - how can you help me get this spec script in the right hands and in front of the correct eyeballs? 

Would love to hear your feedback - also, do you know Judd Apatow? Need to make some connects to get more in the game - you know, like networking kinda stuff. 

Peace! ☮️ ✌️ 


Charleston, South Carolina

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