Saturday, June 8, 2024

πŸ–€Let’s Get Emo #1πŸ¦‡

 Fun new segment hehehe - lemme start by saying when you were dead were you afraid of life? Then why would you be afraid of death when you are alive? Seems like a waste of that sweet livin time if you ask me haha - also gotta look up the word salvation to see what it means - it means like being saved by God and being his buddy - you mean when you are alive or about to die? Either way haha I used to be like, there is no God, there is no “more”, but then I went thru some tough stuff since 2021 and meow I am like, there is most def an “other side” - why do humans think we are so special that WE are God? (Like rich ppl are considered to be Gods haha) - humans are too dumb and selfish to be God haha πŸ˜† there is definitely something “more” going on to all this - like I am in Oakland, California meow, having came from Spokane, Washington - there is more to all this stuff than “Oakland” and “Spokane” haha - it’s mainly in the familiar feelings and themes of life that could be transferred from lifetime to lifetime, human body to human body, with the soul being the common denominator - themes that I have explored in the first 31 years of my Chris Arneson-ness (and themes that go beyond “Chris Arneson” - like who are you to yourself? What do you see when you look in the mirror? You aren’t “Chris” (that’s what you are to other ppl) - who are YOU to yourself? That Me, Myself and I kinda stuff - the main themes of life are love, family, adventure, independence, work and fun - anyway life is about themes, not things - things are temporary, themes are eternal and repeating (that’s why they are so familiar - like when I moved to LA🌴 at 26 it was like I was coming back to the theme of independence and adventure - I was like, why does this me taking over my life seem so familiar to me? Probably cuz I have done it before in a past life haha - yes I def believe in reincarnation haha and you are no fun if you do not - if you don’t believe in reincarnation that is lame haha and I probably don’t wanna talk with you cuz you don’t have an imagination and probably trust the Man haha

The main thing that has made me recognize the Repeating Themes of Life thing is since I started working full-time for the past 10 months (and being the most highly appreciated employee by my managers haha) - it’s coming back to that role of cashier, steward of the community, and doing it five times a week basically non stop haha - it’s that familiar theme of work and reward and feeling good about doing a hard day of work - life is about the yin and the yang and work is part of that - it’s about filling that role and making a difference in the community - but yeah as I get older I do somehow feel like I am returning to Me again, like some type of awakening where I am like - I ain’t scared - why would I be scared? We are all in this together anyway - us 21st century clowns - that’s us bebe - make the most of the 21st century my friends and don’t waste all your time haha - but yeah to reiterate haha this past 10 months I am like - why do I feel like I am returning to my old form? Like I have been here before? Your soul gets those weird tinges of familiarity where you are like Ahhhhhhhh yessss - this is what life is, again 

Also ever consider that Life Itself is like a long vacation - a vacation has to be a break FROM something - so LIFE ITSELF is like our soul’s break from the Astral Realm and purgatory and the bardo and all that ethereal stuff - you get gifted this body and it’s like, this is your vehicle for your long vacation - enjoy it - til next time haha - at least considering it all like this puts me at ease and I am like - everything is everything - we are all equally important and insignificant - things are not what they seem (if they were then ppl with money would automatically be “good” ppl haha - not always the case, they are just in a higher class and have rich ppl problems - no one in the world is truly free of “problems” although some ppl appear to live more enviable lives, those ppl probably have problems you don’t even realize - I think the ultimate point of life is acceptance and self-realization and actualization - like maybe we all have this thing that we are destined to become at like 30 years old (I became this cashier bro at 30) and it is simply a matter of reaching that era of your life where you have reached that self-realization and actualization and you have become what you were destined to become when your soul was placed in a baby 30 years ago - it’s simply about sifting thru all the BS and distractions and lies to reach THAT POINT in your life - the point where you would show a photo of you doing THAT THING a century from now when ppl are like who was that Chris Arne dude? I love getting all deep and existential haha 

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