Saturday, May 18, 2024

πŸ–️Why Martha’s Vineyard is Better than the Original Summer HouseπŸ“Ί

 • The fights on the original are dumber - Jasmine and Silas were fighting about specific, literal things like the stain on Silas’s pants or breakfast - Kyle and Amanda argue about her hypothetical new creative venture - Carl and Lindsey argue about dumb nothings too haha - I am starting to think the fights are cooked up to make better TV and more intriguing trailers

• More likeable people on Martha’s Vineyard - the trio of Preston, Nick and Alex is super cool - Amir, Jordan and Shanice are fun - the only person on the original I would want to do a podcast episode with is West - he played football at Montana State so I feel a special connection to him since my parents are Bobcats 🐾 

• Better location for Martha’s Vineyard - offers more interesting history (especially African-American) - lots of stories and cool energy around the Vineyard locale while the original is in a kinda faceless Hamptons hideout (these shows are filled with boujee east coast socialites and influencers and there has been talk about rent for $10 grand in NYC - they probably make more for a paid promo post on Instagram than I make in a month so I can’t relate that much to the casts of these shows other than the fact that I am also a creative person like some of the people on Vineyard like Alex is a singer and his cousin is John Legend so I can relate to him cuz my cousin is also a famous R&B legend (punintentional)) I would recommend these shows to anyone who enjoys Big Brother (I have never watched Big Brother but assume it’s kinda like this except I think it’s a competition show but still) - actually these shows are most like Jersey Shore - like Jersey Shore but with less roid rage and GTL and spray tan - it’s kinda like a show about what influencers do when they are not busy influencing - mostly laying in bed or somewhere comfy and on their phone πŸ“± usually and drinking and arguing and partying and dancing and loving it all 🦭

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