Wednesday, July 3, 2024

πŸŽ™️Arne Pod transcript 6/20/24

 “yass, ha ha ha. All right, if you ever think people are good people in general, I dare you to work as a cashier and then think the same thing. You know, think people are nice and respectful, and that they think that, no dude, people are bad.

Ha ha ha, that's why this type of job just absolutely gives you a reminder that most people are just like completely, you know, I mean, I was gonna say self-centered, but I'm pretty self-centered too, but it shines in how you interact with a cashier or two though, but it's kind of like a mirror too. So I'm kind of like just a mirror to every person who comes in and everything is money. Yeah, I was raised in a capitalist society, unaware of money.

Ha ha ha, I was very novice with money my entire life, coming from a cushy background and being sheltered and spoiled and middle child syndrome. Give me some attention, all that stuff. Ha ha ha, anyway, now here I am serving a bunch of morons.

And yeah, and also Spokane is very like old school, like dude, it's so stealthy in my car[…]”

From Arne Pod: 796~TOTD #313⚾️HOF or Not❓Troy Tulowitzki, Jun 20, 2024

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