Monday, September 9, 2024

📺Curb Your Enthusiasm spec script

 Curb is mainly an improvisational show which is why it is funny to write a spec script for it - enjoy! 

“Pocketful of Almonds”

Larry is out for a stroll on the Malibu beach with Charles Barkley - he notices that the Chuckster is reaching into the pocket of his khaki pants and snacking on a lil treat.

Larry - “…so anyway the ice cream cone melted and we all called it a day. Chuck, what are you eating there? Lemme get some of that.” 

Charles - “Man, Larry why you always gotta be up in my business? It’s almonds - my doctor recommended them for gut health…and cuz I like the taste.” 

Larry - “Ah, the Almond Brothers, we should call ourselves - bahahaha - I am a comedian, you know, I like to make jokes - it’s polite to laugh sometimes, like a Milk Bone for a dog - makes us know we are on the right track.” 

Chuck - “Yeah yeah Larry, I was one of the funniest guys in the league - I know funny. *Drops almond by accident and quickly picks up a small object and pops it in his mouth before Larry notices* *A loud crunch noise bursts out and Larry turns to Chuck as he winces*

Larry - “Ouch - Chuck, are you OK? You look like your mouth is in pain.” 

Chuck - “Ah man, I just bit down on a giant pebble of sand - thought it was an almond that I dropped and picked up quickly - dang, man, I gotta call my dentist now.” 

Larry - “So sorry to hear that - wait why are you calling Rick Fox?”

Chuck - “Rick Fox is the second cousin of my dentist - I call Rick to set up appointments.”

Larry - “Your dentist receptionist is a three time NBA champion? He’s got more rings than you, Chuck!”

Chuck - “OK now that is NOT funny, Mr. Comedian.”

The two laugh and decide to go get froyo to temporarily ease the Chuckster’s mouth pain while he tries to get ahold of Rick Fox.

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