I was just thinking about how brief our stint on this planet we call Earth 🌍 really is, even if you live to see triple digits, it’s only a little slice of precious time (as I wrote about in my previous post, Musings 3) - that made me grateful that you are reading this or that anyone is reading this or has ever read what I have wrote or ever listened to my
podcast - you’re only gonna get 700,000 or so hours as a conscious human being named *YOUR NAME HERE* (and that’s if you’re lucky enough to live a full, happy, healthy lifetime) so the fact that you’re SPENDING (like how money is spent except hours are more valuable cuz you can’t get em back) a few of your hours from your personal Time Account on my silly creative stuff. Even though my podcast and blog are “free”, it’s still not really free because like I keep saying - Time is currency. It makes me excited to be creative and leave my personal stamp on culture, no matter how minuscule my media footprint may be (maybe it will be bigger in a few years…or a few thousand hours 😉). What does it mean to “waste” time? Is time ever really wasted or does it just slip away sometimes? The only TIME I ever really feel like I wasted time is when I lose my steady state of mind and get a bad attitude about something or feel frustrated or pissed off. Sometimes that makes you feel more alive and young and wild, though, but there are healthier ways to let off some steam. That’s why I love the sauna (it would have been more appropriate if I said I love the “steam” room but just not true - the steam room certainly feels good but if you wanna reallyyyy sweat, the sauna is the way to go. The steam room is good if you have a congested head and you just inhale deeply and get all that steam all up in your nose and clear your head.) The sauna is the healthiest way to decompress - sweating heavily in a controlled environment just feels great - especially when you don’t even have to earn the sweat, although sweat is best when it’s earned. Everyone should have a personal sauna and ice bath - instead of 40 acres and a mule it should have been 40 acres, a mule, a sauna, an ice bath, a foam yoga roller and a blender to make healthy smoothies with lots of chia seeds and cinnamon and peanut butter. Anywhoozles, to summarize - it’s healthy to sweat a lot and drink your delicious, nutritious smoothies and thank you for spending your valuable time with me (in digital spirit, at least) - have a great handful of hours until you go to sleep and wake up fresh, anew and ready to be the peak version of *YOUR NAME HERE* (don’t even get me started on minutes).