Sunday, August 1, 2021

Musings 3

1. Let’s make next year’s Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest interesting by adding a Starving Kids From Africa, Californian Street Schizos and Amazonian Cannibal division (the hot dogs in the Amazonian Cannibal division being “Todd Dogs”, of course, comprised of Todd, the village idiot.
2. The main thing you realize when you don’t smoke weed is how boring everyone is - liven up people!
3. You might have a million dollars but you’ll never have a million hours - 80 years is about 700,000 hours (not as many as you would think) - hours are more important than dollars - as long as you have a few dollars to help you enjoy your hours - or you can put in a few hours to earn a few dollars but remember to enjoy the few hours you DO have cuz you can’t get them back - you can always earn a few bucks but hours are irretrievable so make the most of every day cuz you might only get 30,000 or so days IF you’re lucky (80 years is 29,200 days) - if you looked at each day like a dollar you wouldn’t even have enough days in a lifetime to buy a Tesla - days are expensive and valuable. When you think about it like that, even a 90 year-old is a baby (like how Joe Rogan looks at everyone as the innocent, baby version of themselves) - just the other day a 90 year-old was 28 like myself. Makes me jealous of Benjamin Buttons.

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