Thursday, March 26, 2020

😷The Quarantine Diaries #3🧤

Dear Quarantine Diary,

What day is it now? Does it even matter anymore? These shenanigans have transmogrified into one long tailgate for the most infected football game of all time. Treat yourself well - drink a lot of water, go for walks and don’t eat too many Rice Krispy treats. Set some personal goals for 2020 and write them down. Watch less TV and read more but don’t be one of those people who gets rid of their TV and always somehow manages to jam that fact into everyday conversation - no one likes that person and they’re not as smart as they think. There’s tons of good stuff on TV these days (well, I don’t know about cable cuz I don’t have that but I’m talking about Netflix and YouTube.) Watching an interesting conversation on a podcast on YouTube is more productive than watching one of the Kardashians search for a diamond earring in the ocean (although that was pretty messed up the way that dude tossed her in like she was a sack of potatoes and he was an Idaho blue blood.)

There’s lots of different ways to make the world a better place - maybe it’s just smiling and saying hi to people when you go for a walk or picking up garbage or holding the door for someone (back when we used to go into these places that were called businesses and we would use this thing called money to purchase these things called Shredded Chicken Quesadilla Melts) or churning out a bunch of blog posts and podcasts to entertain the quarantined homies in between Netflix binges.


Topher Gopher
Follow @chrisarneson8 on IG/ Save the 🐳 

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