Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona Activities

1. Binge watch an old show on Netflix (I’m doing Glee season one - Sue Sylvester never got her due as one of the most hilarious snarks in the ocean that is late 00s network television and the Finn-Quinn-Puck love triangle has my head spinning quicker than a mother of seven bull-rushing the toilet paper aisle at Costco. Not to mention careening a Slushee off someone’s face (they wish you would simply Kareem it and sky hook that sugary sucker into the garbage can for six) violates three to several local ordinances in the fictional Ohio Valley region. Seriously though, that black guy in the group that doesn’t talk - what’s the deal there? I’m waiting for the very special episode where the club has an emotional intervention for the poor kid - “Let it out, Matty - this world wasn’t prepared for your grace. Twinkle those toes, you beautiful sonofabitch.”)
2. Write a letter to an old friend or Santy Klaus 
3. Sing a song
4. Drink some homemade coffee (Starbucks is too infected...with hipsters.)
5. Write a list of Corona-related activities 
6. Remember some good memories
7. Do a lil dance that you made up and couldn’t replicate if you had to do another take
8. Pet your cat (“Not TOO hard, now. That’s it, sport. I like your spirit. Gumption - you got gumption and you can’t teach it - your momma never could, no more, anyway.”)
9. Read a book
10. Write a book
11. Listen to a book
12. Book bookity bookie book
Save the 🐳 

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