Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Rambling Man #1

It’s Tuesday Morning, just past 11 AM and almost 11:11 so I’m brainstorming my wishlist. Just recorded a few songs this morning - I like making my own songs as a non-musician music guy - like a SoundCloud rapper without the clout or ‘tude. My rapper tag (name? Pseudonym? Nom de plume?) is Beavis - Beavis and Butthead isn’t my favorite show ever but I do have fond memories of watching it with friends in junior high and high school (especially with Bret at Brian’s house - y’all know who ya are - put some respect on those ‘toons). Speaking of Brian’s house, we used to shoot on his basketball hoop and when we hucked it all the way from the grass, we would bellow out, “Salim Stoudamire!” or simply, “Salim!” Damon Stoudamire and Terrence Jones’s cousin, Salim had a brief NBA career playing for the Atlanta Hawks but he truly shined in his collegiate years as an Arizona Wildcat as the Tucson Tribe consistently contended for the PAC 10 (back then) title. Hey it’s 11:11! I wished for good health - I know you’re not supposed to say your wish out loud but I just typed it, so there. Anyway, I was gonna say that I like making “songs” as a non-musician music dude cuz there’s no pressure to do anything in particular - it’s not like anyone is expecting radio-ready tunes from some non-musician fella who goes by Beavis. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the first edition of Rambling Man which was undoubtedly influenced and inspired by Bill Simmons’s old columns which he called “The Ramblings” since I’ve been reading all his old stuff on his old ESPN archive but Bill is so famous and has so many houses that I don’t think he’ll notice and up-and-comer like lil ol me, Beavis. 

Listen to my podcast  Chris Arneson Show

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