Saturday, February 16, 2019

Rants & Shants pt. 1

I love Summer. The warm glowing feeling from the Sun, being able to just leave your window open all night and just hanging out outside in general. I love being outside and at one with the Earth, toes all curled up in the grass...Running through the sprinkler and jumping, nay practically leaping and going for the perfect fifty score from the judges in the imaginary dunk contest through the stream of water like you will have an imaginary force field surrounding your body upon contact, maybe you are a character in the newest installment of the Star Wars franchise. 
Why do I want fame? 
I want to be immortalized, I want to live forever and have my ideas be able to live forever as well. It probably sounds narcissistic but I want the idea of me to live on forever, like a hundred years from now I want teachers to be using my book as a part of their curriculum. It doesn't even have to be a hundred years from now, that would be cool if they did that now, in 2019, but for some reason it seems more realistic for it to happen down the line sometime. For some reason, time gives art more gravity, so there will be a cool nostalgia that builds around my books with each year that passes by, at least in my egotistical blowhard eyes. 
I want to be fearless. Is there anything better than that first sip of iced coffee in the morning? I want my writing to be that sip of coffee for people. I want to influence pop culture, to leave my imprint on the larger landscape of art and creativity. I want people to have conversations about my writing, for it to leave a stamp on their day. I want to reach a wider audience, to inspire more people and make others think. I want to be a New York Times Bestselling author and sell a million books. I want to be a guest on a late night talk show (probably one of the Jimmy's) and have random people recognize me at Starbucks (and seeing my books being sold at Starbucks would be a cool pat on the back too.) I want to be on an NPR show and then be so good that they just make a corporate decision to go ahead and give me my own talk show. I want to see my book on a billboard. I want Sponge Cake to be a movie or Zogdon or one of my other future books. I want to travel the world and be booked to give inspirational speeches to huge audiences with auditoriums packed to the brim full of people who are eager to listen. I want to see one of my books in an airport bookstore. I want to witness someone purchasing my book at a bookstore. I want people to wait in line for hours to get my have me autograph my book. 
I want my own merch - t-shirts, coffee mugs and sweatshirts would be a good start. I want people to spread the good word of my books. I want to sign a book deal with a publisher and get paid to write. I want to write features in magazines and newspapers. I want to have fans, so many fans that they band together and create an official fan club that has meetings and everything and have thousands of people who actively seek out my work and look forward to it being dropped. I want my books to be published in every language in the world and in every country. I want to win awards for my books. I want to be recognized as one of the best fiction writers of my generation. I want accolades and glory and all the benefits that come with it but none of the drawbacks of fame. 
I want my words to move people to tears or laughter or action or just make them reevaluate their lives and who they are as people and how they can be better for the good of society. I want to be writing like William Faulkner said, to live the act of writing. I want to to live with intention. I want to live with the intention of gathering stories for creative inspiration, of meeting interesting people who can tell me stories that are unique to their lives, stories that are invaluable because only they can tell them. I want to write stories that only I have the ability to tell, stories that people want to read but they don't even know that they want to read them yet but they will figure it out soon enough. I want to be a professional writer - to make writing my full-time job, to be paid to write. I want people to take me seriously as a writer, to respect my work and productions. I would like to make at least $2,000 a month writing, that would be awesome - then I could focus my whole career on writing and that is what I want to do - I want to be a career writer by trade, an author and creative person. I want to write for a TV show or just write my own TV show about my life - that is one of my big goals as a writer. 
I want people to crave my work, to anticipate and count down the days til they get to read what I release next. I want to be on the cover of a major magazine and newspaper. I want my work to stir the pot of conversation, to be highly controversial and polarizing and not just blindly accepted by everyone - I want people to critically break down my writing, for example do a book report on it or use it as the book of the month for your book club. I want my stories to take people to faraway places in their imagination that they have never explored and didn't even know they had the brainpower to make it out there. I want my writing to allow me to have amazing experiences and go to incredible places that are so cool that they seem like they came straight off the brush of a painter. I want to live in Italy for at least a year or two and write books about my experiences in The Boot. I want my work to help people zoom out and see the bigger picture, to forget about their problems and the struggles of their everyday slog, or maybe assist them in coping with an emotion they are dealing with or an event they are trying to get over. I want to never stop writing, to keep doing it and creating every single day for the rest of my time on this planet. I want to inspire other people to create art as well or just to do whatever it is that they have always dreamed of doing but never had the courage or time or resources to pursue. I want writing and creating and having cool experiences with great people that inspire these things to fill my days with joy and memories. I want to invent universes that my stories live in, places that people want to book plane tickets to so they can explore all the things they have to offer, the details that get stuck in the corner. I want a place to rant, to lose track of time and let my heart bleed. I also want to provide a place for people to do those same things (although they may not be the one doing the ranting, they can read my rants and let it inspire them to go forth and rant). I want my writing to be timeless, to be evergreen, to take you to another time and place altogether. I want the audience to forget where they are when they are reading what I write but to remember that the only thing that matters is what they can whip up in their imagination. 
I want to toss my thoughts in a blender and juice them up and serve that smoothie to the world, maybe it will show up on the Jamba Juice secret menu, who knows what could happen next. 
Buy Chris's books SPONGE CAKE & WHAT'S IN THE FRIDGE? on Amazon 

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