Saturday, October 12, 2024

⭐️A Star Is Born 10/12

 “Competition times conformity equals corporate America. I was just thinking this morning on my walk, just thinking about like individualism, and then like the way people conform in corporate settings, and then like the way that money makes people act in certain ways, how I try to stay true to myself, how I kind of like, the thing I like about what I do is I can kind of be myself, but then also just do the thing.

But anyway, I'm not very good at compartmentalization. See, that was a lot of C's I just threw at ya, from Chris. So that's why I just, I'm not good at fitting in with like the fakeness.

I'm the worst person at being like fake, like corporate. I'm the worst at schmoozing. Yeah, you know what I mean.

I like those people who are good at like the fake stuff. And I'm like, I'm just too real. I don't know.

I don't know. But then I also think to myself, I think life is ultimately just find your lane and then just stick in to that lane. And I think I've kind of found my lane the last 14 plus months, which[…]”

From A Star Is Born: 943~TOTD #451⚾️HOF or Not❓Yu Darvish, Oct 12, 2024

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