Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dog Eat World Chapter 2: The Expiration Date Part Deux

Dying sure is a bitch, ain’t it? Where’s my last meal? I want a T-bone steak with a side of cheeseburgers and a skyscraper of garlic fries and not one of those puny Midwest skyscrapers, I’m talking about some East coast behemoths that King Kong would mess around with.
What kind of terrible human being would put down dogs for a living? It sounds a lot like a crime to me. You’re telling me that these people are just going to put me down without even so much as asking me first? Don’t you think my preference in the whole situation should bear a little more weight? I don’t seem to remember being asked what my preference would be in the whole shindig; how do they know that I don’t want to bear witness to another sunrise, my favorite part of the day? The sunrise is my favorite time of day because it is my special time that I go for a walk with Mom every single morning. I also love the sunrise because it is a metaphor for life, people and dogs; it is an illustration of all the potential, all the things that we can and will accomplish. The sunrise lets you know that everything is A-OK. All you really have to worry about is making it to the next sunrise and the rest will take care of itself, I promise. You can trust me; I’m a dog and we are known to be extremely honest, sometimes to a fault.
How is it licit to put me down without me having a voice to speak up with? I tried barking a few times to let Mom and Dad know that something was awry (just saying that makes me hungry for a sandwich; maybe that’s what I would do with my last meal.) and I didn’t like the direction we were going with this vet thing. Unfortunately in my old age I couldn’t quite muster the intestinal fortitude to emit the barking sound that everyone loves to wake up to in the morning when the newspaper arrives.
A bark is a funny thing. On one hand, everyone loves a dog’s bark, especially if it is their own dog. It reminds you of home. It’s warm. It lets you know that they are protecting the house. Dogs have humans’ backs, you know, like more than anything. I’ll give you an example of that a little later in the book. I don’t want to spoil anything right now but let’s just say that someone got what was coming to them and I was the person who served up a dish of shame with a confusion ice cream milkshake.
Life is too fun to take that last trip to the vet, I would rather wait it out and squeeze every last tiny bit of toothpaste out of the tube of Crest (Colgate is the Deflategate of toothpastes in that it was a very disappointing investigation that didn’t really turn out anything substantial or any interesting fallout other than a four game suspension for Tom Brady, the first four games of the season I have to add. If you really wanted to punish Tom Brady, you would take away all the mirrors in his house and donate them to foster homes because Tom Brady hates poor people almost as much as he loves admiring the reflection of his quintessential life. Tom Brady doesn’t like anyone who can’t afford a shoe tree of Uggs. I’m more of a Michael Vick fan, I know crazy, right? Get over it, we’ve all made a few mistakes, who doesn’t have a few dog skeletons in their closet, am I right? Forget about it ya PETA pushers, you’re the next Blackfish, playa. But my man has unparalleled quickness, blazing sideline to sideline downfield speed and he’s a frickin’ legend. Dude is a legend. *wipes away single tear*)

Listen to my movie and storytelling podcast A Star Is Born
Instagram: @ChrisArneson8

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